Apply for Foot Patron Paid
Hand and Foot Modeling Opportunities.

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Modeling FAQs
for Information and Details.

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About Hand and Foot Modeling:

Surprising to many is the fact that "body part modeling" is a very real thing. You won't be strutting on the catwalks of New York or Paris, but you may have your wriggling fingers and toes featured in print, digital or video advertisements. When you see an ad for a piece of jewelry, a spa or any type of hand or foot healthcare product you can be sure that the fingers and toes you see do not belong to the well renown models like Sofia Vergara or Cindy Crawford. Not that they couldn't do it, but they probably wouldn't as they've achieved a great level of success and are highly recognizable by face. It would also be prohibitively expensive for most business owners to utilize a model of that celebrity caliber. Therefore, when producers require a hand, foot, finger or toe they will utilize a model specializing in that area of work.

About the Modeling Work:

Foot Patron specializes in video and still photography focusing on the hand and food modeling markets. We take video and still images in a wide variety of settings and poses and then edit the material into usable form and market the products to sources in the production industry. What this means for you is that if you are selected for a modeling opportunity, we will coordinate with your schedule and set up a shoot for your next visit to the spa or salon. If you allow us to record your manicure, pedicure, massage or reflexology session then we will pay the bill in full. So, if you can somehow imagine that getting a free mani-pedi or massage is classified as "work" then this just might be the perfect part-time job for you.

About the Footographer:

I focus my photography practice on the creation of artistic photography of beautiful female feet and hands. I travel to different locations and employ a variety of backgrounds, lighting and props to achieve what I perceive to be the most perfect results. My work is a melding of artistry and creativity.

I utilize a collection of camera equipment (Olympus, Canon, Nikon, GoPro, iOS, Nokia, Air Pro, etc.), lights, lenses and filters to capture the scenes. I have developed a greater creativity by employing my vivid imagination and creating scenes with torch light, mirrors and other effective manipulations of shadows combined with both natural and artificial light sources. The model's natural beauty is very important, but her patience, cooperation and appreciation of the artistic process is critical.

I am always learning as I continue to experiment and I welcome useful critiques and suggestions.

About the Models:

The models are often just regular people. They may be motivated by the dream of becoming a full-time professional model or they may simply look at this an incredible part-time job that is easy to do, requires little time and offers great benefits including massages, pedicures, footwear and flexible scheduling. There is no special training required, but a willingness to accept and follow instructions is quite important. All subject models must be eighteen or older at the time of shooting to be able to complete and comply with any contracting agreements.

About Model Compensation:

Apart from the obvious benefits of receiving free manicures, pedicures and reflexology treaments, foot modeling can be seen as a part-time job or a lucrative hobby for students, housewives, single mothers or ladies who need additional income without an excessive commitment of time. Photo and video shoots can be tailored to your schedule. If out of town or international travel is required, you will be provided transportation, reservations/tickets or appropriately compensated for any expenses you incur. Modeling rates commence at almost four times the current Florida minimum wage per hour of active shooting, so you can easily understand why this is such a popular opportunity that can be somewhat competitive.

To ensure the best working relationship possible, it is always best to thoroughly discuss and agree upon compensation prior to scheduling the shoot. Everything will be clearly spelled out in our conversations, texts and emailed communications. There is absolutely no desire to waste the time of any models or photographers. That being said, let me remind you that should you have a conflict making a scheduled shoot you must cancel with as much notice as possible. Models seen as unreliable will not be useful.

About the Prospects:

While some people may find it unbelievable, there is an entire industry focused on body part modeling. Foot and hand models are contracted to appear in print ads and video commercials (for shoes, jewelry, carpet, wood flooring, sandals, skin care products, manicures, pedicures, clothing, handheld electronics, music videos, book covers, and more).

I cannot guarantee that my professional connections will lead to your being offered a contract, but I can assure you that I will do my very best to create an absolutely spectacular portfolio exhibiting your skills and beauty. Should an opportunity be presented, Foot Patron will always and without fail look out for your personal and professional interests.

Of course, it's your choice if you do not wish to explore this option. Your portfolio will be assigned a number and should we be contacted by an agent, producer or filmmaker, we will contact you with the details. We will never publish or share your name or contact information without your consent.

Applying to be a Model:

Because of the volume of traffic and everyone's desire to maintain organized and discreet records, it is expected that you will submit your resume, biography and introductory photographs via online form and email. At a minimum, please provide your first name, email and/or phone contact, shoe size, locations, days and times of availability along with clear, well-lit photographs showing the full tops and bottoms of your feet and hands. They need not be professional photographs, but they must be of sufficient quality to evaluate the form, skin tone, texture and health of your hands, feet and nails. The photographs will remain your property so watermarks or date stamps are permitted as long as they do not cover your fingers, nails, feet and toes.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1) Am I required to have a brand new, fresh manicure and pedicure for the shoot?

While we can most often work with your existing pedicure and personal collection of shoes, it may sometimes be necessary to require a specific color, design or style. This happens when we are shooting a location or theme in which there is a certain artistic desire to have either a blended coordination or contrasting of colors and designs.

For these types of requirements the footwear and/or pedicure may become a part of your total compensation package or will sometimes by fully paid for by the producer or photographer. Please don't be concerned that you will be turned away from a shoot for having the wrong shoes or nail polish. Anytime a scene requires something so specific you will be notified well in advance.

2) Will my tattos be a problem?

Tattoos on your hands or feet will not usually present a problem, unless they include offensive language or symbols. Tattoos, skin tone and even small scars combine to create the individual photogenic personality of your hands and feet. Anything that may present a problem will by addressed at the time of your initial application after reviwing the photographs you submit.

3) How should I come dressed for the shoot?

You should dress appropriately based on the time, weather, season and location. You should bring four or more different pair of shoes which do not completely conceal your feet and toes (heels, sandals, etc.). You may be asked to remove rings, chains, bracelets, watches and jewelry in certain circumstances, but in most cases it will not be a problem as long as it is petite and classy. Any specific wardrobe requirements will be explained to you in advance so there should be no surprises.

4) Are my feet too big, too small, too wrinkled or too peculiar?

The easiest answer to questions like these is to simply point out that if all feet were the same then we'd only need one model. Many women are uncomfortable about their feet. Concerns about size, shape and symmetry are widespread. As with anything else in life, there is no single definition of beauty. Differences in toe length, shape, curve, color and texture are only expressions of your foot's personality.

A mole, birthmark, short toe, small scar or bunion that you consider an imperfection is only a facet of your individual uniqueness. Rest assured that your application will receive a thorough evaluation with a courteous response.

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