Republican Dream Team
Celebrate the Republicans' joy in the Democratic Party's decision
to fall behind some of their most controversial party leaders. I just couldn't stop laughing when
they picked Howard Dean to head the DNC. Now it looks like they might actually hitch their wagon
of presidential hopes to Hillary Clinton. Even if you aren't a big political
junkie, you have got to appreciate the endless opportunities for entertainment these bright moves
will provide. "Into Obscurity and Beyond!" |
What Have You Done For Her Lately?
Take this question to heart. Public support of our nation, our
military and our president is extremely important. Displaying flags and ribbons on your house and car
are great, but consider if you might be able to do more. Stay informed, get involved, talk to
neighbors and co-workers, volunteer in your community, smile at the people you meet. Spread your
love of country and celebrate our incredible freedoms. |
Go Hillary! Really, just go.
If you are just simply tired of
Hillary Clinton then this is the one for you. Get yours in advance of her election bids
in 2006 and 2008. Buy in bulk for savings and pass them out to friends. Show your sentiments
on a t-shirt, coffee mug, sticker, magnet, pin, cap, tile coaster, beer stein, baby clothes,
bib, sweat shirt, running suit, dog shirt, apron
or an assortment of other novelty items available. |
Kofi Annan - What Me Worry?
Have a laugh at the expense of yet another self-serving anti-American.
Do you think Kofi Annan should resign? Do you think he actually will? I doubt it. Many have learned
from the wonderful example set by former president Clinton and will lie and deny without regard for
individual honor and integrity. What a legacy from the only U.S. president ever impeached! |
Howard Dean - Number One Republican Recruiter
Remember the Democratic Party's decision
to elect the spectacular failure of Howard Dean to head the DNC. Share the humor with friends and strangers
alike. Even if you aren't a big political junkie, you have got to appreciate the endless opportunities
for entertainment these "progressive" moves continue to bring us all. |
George W. Bush in 2008
Its time to start working to change the current two-term limit for
U.S. presidents so we can re-elect George W. Bush for another four years. At this critical time in
our nation's history we cannot take a chance on electing a weaker or less-devoted person to lead us.
We the people can push to repeal the restrictions of the 22nd amendment. |
Go Hillary! And don't come back.
If you are just simply tired of
Hillary Clinton then this is the one for you. Get yours in advance of her election bids
in 2006 and 2008. Buy in bulk for savings and pass them out to friends. Show your sentiments
on a t-shirt, coffee mug, sticker, magnet, pin, cap, tile coaster, beer stein, baby clothes,
bib, sweat shirt, running suit, dog shirt, apron
or an assortment of other novelty items available. |
WMD - Dubya Makes a Difference
We suffer a couple of past presidents that work harder now to
create a post-presidential legacy than they ever worked while in office. President George W. Bush
has already made a difinitve mark on the history of our great nation. Burdened with events and
decisions unlike any faced by previous U.S. presidents, his perseverance and dedication to always
do what is best for our country has been a Godsend for the United States as well as the rest of
the world. |
Kofi Annan - Hey Kofi, You're Busted!
Have a laugh at the expense of yet another self-serving anti-American.
Do you think Kofi Annan should resign? Do you think he actually will? I doubt it. Many have learned
from the wonderful example set by former president Clinton and will lie and deny without regard for
individual honor and integrity. What a legacy from the only U.S. president ever impeached! |
I Support Mixed Marriages - One Man & One Woman
Display your beliefs in the time-honored tradition of
marriage. Yep, politics is getting into that also. Check it out today! |
End Free Speech - Support Political Correctness
Everyone should know that the entire political correctness agenda
is nothing more than a scam to curb individual rights to free speech. Show your awareness,
and awaken your less-informed friends by displaying this slogan. |
Preserve Our Poor - Vote Democrat
Thats right. Too many folks are moving out of poverty and
into the middle class. Have you seen recent home ownership statistics? More people own their
own homes now and the largest percentage of minorities ever are participating in this
portion of the American dream. The hollywood mouths
and liberal elitists are calling for a change. They wish to raise taxes and
quell independence. Its just so much harder to manipulate people who take charge of their
own lives. Check it out today! |
My Favorite Time to Exercise is Always Tomorrow!
I admit that this statement is completely true for me. I
am able to find an endless stream of excuses to put off things I'd rather not do. From the
looks of many waistlines, I sure ain't alone. Might as well stretch on of these
t-shirts around your gut and have a laugh along the way. |
Island Attitude
My mind was floating over a beautiful carribean beach
when I thought up this design. Ahhhh! To be lying on that warm, tropical sand with a cool
drink right now! Oh well, you can join me in spirit anyway as you assume your own relaxed
"Island Attitude". |
Succeeding isn't Selling Out.
Unfortunately popular culture deems academic excellence
and professional competence as a negative thing. Pride in yourself, utilizing your
abilities and achieving your goals really are not bad at all. We must cooperate to change
this attitude which holds back too many of our greatest people. Don't fear success! |
Semper Fly
The Semper Fly graphic is great for anyone involved in the
aviation field or travel industry. This especially shows our resolve after the
devastation of September 11, 2001. Pilots, flight crews, flight attendants, gate agents, aircraft
mechanics, airline support staff, air marshals, baggage handlers, airport and aviation security,
and anyone else connected with or motivated by flying. |
Remember 9-11
Show everyone that you have not chosen to forget the hateful events
forced upon our nation on September 11, 2001. Maybe you can even help a few of your fellow citizens
to have some recollection and possibly another brief resurgance of patriotism and national concern.
This is why we must continue the fight against international terrorism.
God Bless America and Keep Her Strong! |
I Gave Blood in Iraq
Perfect for the tens of thousands of veterans returning from
honorable service in Iraq as well as their families, friends and supporters. Show your
support for our troops and our country's efforts in the
war against terrorism. |
I Gave Blood in Afghanistan
Perfect for the tens of thousands of veterans returning from
honorable service in Afghanistan as well as their families, friends and supporters. Show
your support for our troops and our country's efforts in the
war against terrorism. |
The GOP's Dream Team
Celebrate the Republicans' joy in the Democratic Party's decision
to fall behind some of their most controversial party leaders. I just couldn't stop laughing when
they picked Howard Dean to head the DNC. Now it looks like they might actually hitch their wagon
of presidential hopes to Hillary Clinton. Even if you aren't a big political
junkie, you have got to appreciate the endless opportunities for entertainment these bright moves
will provide. "Into Obscurity and Beyond!" |
Howard Dean - Into Obscurity and Beyond!
Celebrate the Republicans' joy in the Democratic Party's decision
to fall behind some of their most controversial party leaders. I just couldn't stop laughing when
they picked Howard Dean to head the DNC. Now it looks like they might actually hitch their wagon
of presidential hopes to Hillary Clinton. Even if you aren't a big political
junkie, you have got to appreciate the endless opportunities for entertainment these bright moves
will provide. "Into Obscurity and Beyond!" |
United Nations - Undeniably Negligent
You've gotta call 'em like you see 'em and we have years of proof to
support our call for a name change at the UN. The United Nations has repeatedly been Undeniably Negligent.
This collection of nations, run by many third-rate leeches, easily overlook their alleged responsibility
to respond and assist people in need around the globe. Guess that can happen when you are more
focused on anti-American and anti-Israeli goals. |
U.S. Marine Corps - Marine for Life
Ooh Rah! Devil Dogs and Marine lovers gotta celebrate their
Corps by showing their pride to everyone. Get this inspirational USMC graphic on a t-shirt,
coffee mug, sticker, magnet, pin, cap, tile coaster, beer stein, baby clothes,
bib, sweat shirt, running suit, dog shirt, apron
or an assortment of other novelty items available. |
U.S. Marine Corps - Hard Corps
Ooh Rah! Devil Dogs and Marine lovers gotta celebrate their
Corps by showing their pride to everyone. Get this inspirational USMC graphic on a t-shirt,
coffee mug, sticker, magnet, pin, cap, tile coaster, beer stein, baby clothes,
bib, sweat shirt, running suit, dog shirt, apron
or an assortment of other novelty items available. |
U.S. Marine Corps - Eagle, Globe and Anchor
Jarheads, Devil Dogs and their admirers can show
their Marine Corps Pride with this new graphic available on a variety of products.
This one is perfectly displayed on our new BLACK T-SHIRT. Check it out today! |
Don't Leave Your "Asterisk" - Vote Republican
Thats right, don't leave your rear exposed by to the
evils we know are out there. There are some folks who can't quite figure this out, but
there are many others who actually choose to ignore the truth. Wear it, live it, share it. |
Semper Fly
The Semper Fly graphic is great for anyone involved in the
aviation field or travel industry. Pilots, flight crews, flight attendants, gate agents, aircraft
mechanics, airline support staff, air marshals, baggage handlers, airport and aviation security,
and anyone else connected with or motivated by flying. |
9-11 Anniversary
Show everyone that you remember the terrorist attacks
of September 11th, 2001; the tragic loss of our WTC Twin Towers, the four hijacked
airliners, and the loss of thousands of citizens and immigrants who were enjoying the many freedoms
provided by the American dream. Slap the blinders off the faces of those around you who have
chosen to forget, brush off and belittle the horror we witnessed that day. |
Road Warrior
Perfect for the frequent business traveler as well as anyone
working in the aviation field or travel industry. Establish yourself as a Road Warrior with a choice
of one or more of the following items: t-shirt, coffee mug, sticker, magnet, pin, cap, tile coaster,
beer stein, baby clothes, bib, sweat shirt, running suit, dog shirt, apron
or an assortment of other novelty items available. |
Air Warrior
Just the thing for the too-frequent flyer or person on near-endless
business travel. Also a smart gift for the pilot, flight attendant or air marshal in your life, as well as anyone
working in the aviation field or travel industry. Buy in bulk for a greater discount and share them with
your co-workers. |
I Love My FAM
Especially for those lucky enough to have one of our
valiant Federal Air Marshals as a family member, close friend, spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. |
I Love My Nerd
Got a special geek in your life? Then this is for you. Once ridiculed
as social outcasts they are now revered for their sought after technical skills. Celebrate their
revival. Que Vivan Los Nerds! |
Nerds Rule
Got a special geek in your life? Here is the perfect gift
for him or her. Once ridiculed as social outcasts they are now revered for their sought
after technical skills. Celebrate their revival. Que Vivan Los Nerds! |
A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind
Carrying around a little extra weight? Most guys develop a little extra
around the middle as they age, so why let it bother you? The truth is that if it doesn't bother you
then it doesn't matter to anyone. Display your confidence and self-respect with a variety of gear
displaying this sentiment. |
Love Comes in a Pint Glass
Like your beer? Nothing wrong with that. Now you can let everyone
else know that you have found true love in a convenient serving size. Mmmmmm, think I'll go grab a
cold one right now! |
Beer - Life is Bitter
Sure, life is bitter, but you can make that positive by celebrating
with a delicious English Bitter Beer. Its always better when taken with a friend or two. |
Ballistic Diplomacy
The Ballistic Diplomacy graphc design recognizes that there are some
people and certain situations in which force is the only possible manner of negotiation. When talking
doesn't work and a pile of written reprimands or useless resolutions are ignored, then it is time to
step up the process and bring in an interpreter of cold, blued steel to lead the conversation.
Bertie High School - Class of 1986
Bertie High School, Windsor, North Carolina. Its about time for
the Class of 1986 to come together for their 20-year reunion. The Falcons Return to the Nest. |